About #

Hey there! I’m Zidni Mubarok, but most folks know me as Barock. After a fulfilling journey as the Head of Engineering at Gojek, where I played pivotal roles from crafting code to leading teams, I’ve embarked on a new adventure: going solo and building my very first product. It’s a blend of excitement, freedom, and yes, a few ‘undefined’ challenges here and there.

Building software is always my jam, but what I love just as much (if not more) is working with all the amazing folks who make it happen. It’s like we’re playing this incredible multiplayer game, and everyone’s bringing their unique skills to the table.

Outside the tech arena, mountains are my sanctuary. They offer a reset button from the digital chaos. But, when the craving for noise kicks in, there’s nothing like a road trip with the family. It’s my perfect balance of code and life.

This blog is my digital corner, sharing both my tech escapades and my off-the-grid adventure. It’s a space for dialogue, learning, and sharing.